AGM Minutes October 2015

Parent Association Meeting October 8th 2015

A full copy of these minutes is available to browse in the school office.

The Chairperson (Sarah Courtney), introduces committee and speaks about appointments to be filled at AGM and overview of the Parents Association role.

The secretary (Deirdre Swinburne) reads the 2014 AGM minutes.

The Principal of St.Catherines’, Carmel O’Sullivan, introduces herself to the audience and updates the audience on news and events in the school.

The Chairperson detailed the Parents Association Activity during 2014/2015.


The Chairperson then outlined the key objectives for the year ahead:

Suggestions made to Parents Association by parent attendees.

The Treasurer (Janice Healey Bird), then presented the Treasurer’s Report.

 The Election of Officers then took place.